
How to Update Outdated Packages in JavaScript-based Hybrid App

Are you having performance and stability issues with your JavaScript-based hybrid app? Does it have outdated JS packages? You are in the right place since we have encountered a client with the same problem.

A USA innovative construction application contacted us because they were struggling with performance and stability issues in their mobile app. They were unsure whether to stick with the hybrid model with compatibility issues with newer Expo, React Native, and OS versions or go cloud native

So, our engineer took on the challenge! After a thorough evaluation, our developer decided that modernizing the JavaScript-based hybrid app with updated dependencies and optimization strategies was the way to go.

Tech Stack

Expo, React Native, JavaScript, Android SDK, iOS SDK, Node.js, Kotlin, Objective-C++


  1. Outdated Expo SDK (version 44) and numerous deprecated or outdated JS packages.
  2. Compatibility issues with newer Expo, React Native, and OS versions.
  3. Complexities in updating and managing dependencies for both Android and iOS platforms.
  4. Outdated development environments requiring updates for compatibility with newer technologies.
  5. Performance and stability issues; uncertainty between choosing a hybrid or native approach.


  1. Updated Expo SDK from version 44 to 49, along with over 100 JS package updates and replacements.
  2. Implemented Kotlin for Android and Objective-C++ for iOS compatibility with newer Expo and React Native versions.
  3. Renamed projects and updated configurations for Android and iOS.
  4. Removed deprecated packages and updated dependencies for compatibility with React 18.2 and React Native 0.72.
  5. Hybrid approach + application modernization strategy.

Business Outcomes in JavaScript based Hybrid App

Significant improvement in the application performance and stability. 

The Developer enhanced compatibility with newer OS versions and technologies, ensuring the application remains up-to-date and future-proof. – Simplified development process and faster iteration thanks to modernized tooling and optimized codebase.

Our client couldn’t be happier with the outcome!  

Their app now runs smoother than ever, instilling confidence and satisfaction among users. And for us, it’s another successful mission accomplished, showcasing our commitment to delivering top-notch solutions.

Congratulations to our brilliant LATAM engineer for his dedication and expertise in making the best of this collaboration!

This collaboration had an NPS  score of 10!

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